Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pre-Op - November 2006

My DIEP flap surgery was scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving 2006.

Now was the time to get back into shape and lose the weight I had gained during treatment. I got back into my diet/exercise routine. Over the next six months (June 2006 - November 2006), I lost the 17 pounds I gained during my treatment plus another twenty or so pounds. My goal was 150 pounds. I had started out at 187 and my pre-surgery weight was 153. No matter though - I still had a substantial belly to donate to becoming my new breast!

The pic shows my mastectomy scar. It goes around under my arm a bit. There are also two tiny circular scars under my arm where the drains were.

You can also see the target tattoos from the radiation. They're the little black dots.

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